Garden Supplies News » tomato tree Wed, 01 Jun 2011 10:48:27 +0000 en hourly 1 Hanging Tomatoes and Cool Intruders Wed, 27 May 2009 09:23:34 +0000 hughe The upside down tomato planter is a gadget that I have mentioned once or twice before. It is a type of hanging basket in which the tomato plants grow out of the base of the container. The idea is that the plants require no staking and are kept clear from the ground and away from any pests. I’ve never tried this myself, but Sonja Smith
writing in the San Jose Gardening Examiner describes her experience of using a similar product called the Tomato tree. Read more..

Another gadget that caught my eye is this Garden Shower. Just what you need to cool off after a hot day in the sun. The shower consists of a 30 inch diameter disc that is completely portable. Just hook it up to your garden hose and step on the pad to activate the jets. Read more..

One gadget that would be really useful and would be the answer to every gardener’s prayers would be one that kept cats out of your garden. Numerous methods have been suggested but I have yet to find one that is truly effective. Listening to the radio the other day I heard of a novel suggestion that was said to be absolutely foolproof. Make a noise like an elephant and cats disappear in a flash.

Talking of four footed intruders a few months ago I found this cheeky fellow sunbathing in the flowerbed. He let me get quite close before he slowly strolled away.

Perhaps it wasn’t a “he” after all because look who came to show off her family.


I had to take the picture through the window so as not to disturb them and that is why the photo is rather fuzzy.

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