Garden Supplies

Water Gardens Dallas

Here you can find out about the water gardens in Dallas, Texas. There are a wide variety ranging from public gardens to commercial premises selling aquatic plants, fish and pond supplies.

In 1999 the first Annual Koi Show and Seminar was held at Creative Water Gardens on Garland Road, North East Dallas. There were a number of exhibitors including Suburban Water Gardens, A’s Aquarium, Dickson Bros, Wray’s Nursery, Aqua UV, Brett’s Fish Farm, Takeda’s Koi Dojo, Aquatic Landscapes and Koi & Water Garden Club of North Texas.

The North Texas Water Garden Society (Dallas) holds regular meetings for its members on the second Tuesday of the month. Forthcoming events are the Dallas Zoo bog cleanup and the Dallas Home and Garden Show where the society will have a booth.

Water Gardens Galore! who describe themselves as "No nonsense, Pondsense" offer a full range of supplies and services for your water gardening needs. They have recently moved to 2530 Butler Street.

For more information on water gardening visit our page on pond supplies.

The Fort Worth Water Gardens were the scene of a tragic accident which resulted in the loss of four lives. On the 17th June 2004 three members of the same family and a friend were found at the bottom of a deep pool at the gardens. It appears that the youngest child either jumped or slipped into the water. The other girl fell in when she tried to reach in and help her friend. The man and the teenage boy then jumped in to try and save the girls. A pump at the bottom of the pool that supplies water to a waterfall apparently created a suction that made rescues difficult.